Speaking Up @ Charles Schwab
The Challenger Flame Series
Denver CO
The Challenger Series is hosted twice a year by the Charles Schwab Corporation to examine the role of technology in challenging the status quo. The event is meant to expose Schwab employees to perspectives from outside the financial world.
I was invited to speak by my former Charles Schwab client, Julian Aldridge. This particular session provided each speaker 15-mins for a presentation and then engage each in a 40-mins panel discussion. The entire event was broadcast to the Charles Schwab HQ in San Francisco.
Included in this post are the talk slides and a few panel session videos.
The following videos feature excerpts from the Oct. 13, 2015 event. It is one of three panel sessions featuring speakers Charles Erdman, Dave Drach, Alex Guerri, and moderators Julian Aldridge and Mark Barden.