Panel: The Art of UX.

Proposed title:


In February, I was invited to moderate a panel on User Experience for the popular Geekend Event. While the title of the panel discussion was rather generic, I took a series of random presentations and found the common theme. That of unconscious bias.

In this post, I put the title and description of the talk that I had hoped would run. Sadly, I got it to the organizers after materials were already printed. Here is the description I wish we could have used. Note: As I understand the value of inciting curiosity, this description was meant to increase attendance.

Are you biased? Of course you are. And so is everyone on your team. In this session, learn how to address prejudice, assumptions and bias when designing for different audiences. Each of our user experience panelists share different learnings from different projects. Gamers, tablet junkies, chat bots operators and general usability geeks will leave smarter and ready to begin questioning their own assumptions. See you there!

The following is a video of the entire, hour-long panel.

Another video worth watching, perhaps even more than mine, is one on Cryptocurrency. I enjoyed this panel discussion immensely.

Charles Erdman

Charles Erdman is a creative-solutions executive with a focus on developing new sources of value for Fortune 500 brands and startups. He enjoys writing, reading, pond hockey, and tinkering on the piano.

North American Bitcoin Conference Event Notes


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