BTC2019 - A Clash of Expectations Presentation
Learning & Sharing
It was an exciting series of speakers at this year’s Blockchain Training Conference held in Denver by C4 (Crypto Currency Certification Consortium). There was a tremendous amount of learning about the ever evolving blockchain technology space. While the premise of what crypto-networks offer is unchanged, the continuous refinements and iterations keep the conversation interesting.
The small part I played was to provide a design perspective on the importance of UX design and the mindset of the average user. We live in a visually sophisticated world where software applications define our customer experience expectations. But… digital products still don’t adhere to the basic tenents of product design.
The clash, mentioned in our talk title, is between the engineers deep knowledge gained from daily immersion in the tech and the end-users whose references are their everyday applications. Those everyday applications are so well designed that they recede into the background allowing the user to achieve their goals with little to no friction.
This was the focus of our session: to reveal how developers can fall prey to common pitfalls of UI design. They make assumptions. They often believe they are the target user. It is still a bias that blinds developers to the reality of various modes of comprehension.
On the stage, I was joined by User Experience Designer, Kate Garrigan, for an hour long discussion about Blockchain products and usability. We highlighted ten core UX heuristics to keep in mind when designing any product, but especially one using blockchain technologies.
The end goal is always adoption which will be assured through design that is useful, intuitive and beautiful. Design that is so good, in fact, that it becomes background…
Media and all presentation can be found on the BTC2019 website.
Below is a click through of our presentation.
One last shout-out…
I was thrilled to listen to and watch master presenter, Andreas M. Antonopoulos. It was a pleasure to finally see him in person. He is so good on stage. He knows his material so intimately that it flows like butter. Melted butter…